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Mu­ni­ci­pal Housing Com­pa­nies

En­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy that be­ne­fits all

PAUL Net Zero

The in­­­no­va­­ti­on for the tran­s­­for­­ma­­ti­on of the real es­­ta­­te in­­­dus­­try: PAUL pro­­vi­­des the com­­ple­­te so­lu­­ti­on for the en­­er­gy tran­­si­­ti­on. Thanks to the un­­­ri­va­­led com­­bi­­na­­ti­on of AI-sup­­por­­ted en­­er­gy sa­vings from PAUL Per­­for­­mance, heat pumps and pho­­to­­vol­­taic sys­­­tems, PAUL Net Zero makes prac­­ti­­cal­­ly any pro­­per­­ty en­­er­gy self-suf­­fi­ci­ent and and res­­to­­res the va­lue of stran­­ded as­­sets.

PAUL ist TÜV-zertifiziert.

The ZDF magazine WISO reported on PAUL and our customer Neusser Bauverein (GERMAN)

Re­li­ef for your ten­ants with the se­cond rent - the hea­ting costs. 

  • Heat pump
  • Photovoltaics
  • AI control
Reliable, highly efficient heat generation using high-performance heat pumps, specially designed for many residential units

Re­li­able, high­ly ef­fi­ci­ent heat ge­nera­ti­on using high-per­for­mance heat pumps, spe­ci­al­ly de­si­gned for many re­si­den­ti­al units

Pho­to­vol­taic sys­tems ge­ne­ra­te de­cen­tra­li­zed re­ne­wa­ble elec­tri­ci­ty. Dark pha­ses are ba­lan­ced out by purcha­sing ad­di­tio­nal elec­tri­ci­ty

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verarbeitet diese Daten, lernt selbstständig, erkennt Einsparpotenziale und regelt die eingesetzte Hardware.

PAUL con­trols and op­ti­mi­zes the en­t­i­re sys­tem. Smart coor­di­na­ti­on me­ans the sys­tem is per­man­ent­ly CO₂-neu­tral

Your be­ne­fits using PAUL Net Zero

Reduktion von Energiekosten und CO₂-Steuern bis zu 40%.


Efficiency improvement of up to 70% thanks to heat pump and AI control

Schon ab 24 Wohneinheiten 100% investitionskostenfrei.

Cost neu­tral

Starting from 24 residential units, 100% investment cost-free

Durch das Senken der Nebenkosten leisten Sie einen Beitrag zu bezahlbarem Wohnraum.


Improvement to energy efficiency class A

Mit niedrigeren Emissionen aus Ihrem Bestand leisten Sie einen bedeutenden Beitrag zu einem saubereren Klima.


Immediate CO₂ neutrality for existing properties

TÜV-zertifiziertes konkurrenzloses Verfahren.


Crisis-proof energy price at least 1 cent cheaper than local district heating

PAUL senkt das Risiko von Stranded Assets.


Increasing the value of the property and lasting protection against stranded assets

Wir schreiben Geschichte: Hier steht, was die Immobilienbranche derzeit umtreibt: Die News & Insights von PAUL, immer aktuell und informativ.

We make histo­ry

Here you can find out what is currently driving the real estate industry: News & Insights from PAUL, always up-to-date and informative.

All News & Insights
Investieren in den Klimaschutz: Durch unsere Innovationskraft ermöglichen wir CO₂-Neutralität in Gebäuden, um unseren Planeten lebenswert zu halten.

Working tog­e­ther for sustai­na­bi­li­ty and en­er­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy

We ensure the long-term quality of your tenants' homes and your profitability at the same time.

About PAUL

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Chief Sa­les Of­fi­cer (CSO) Dipl.-Ing. Ma­thi­as Neu­mann

Chief Sales Officer (CSO) Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Neumann