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News 06.10.2023

What re­du­ces en­er­gy costs in exis­ting buil­dings – PAUL Tech speaks at EXPO REAL

Kristina Klehr

This year, we are co-exhibiting with the Federal Association of German Housing and Property Companies (GDW) and are part of the “House of the Future” on site.

On the first day of EXPO REAL, Sascha Müller, CEO of PAUL Tech AG, spoke on the panel, “CO2 out of the house! What reduces energy costs in existing buildings.”

The PAUL control system digitalizes the central building technology by attaching sensors and so-called actuators – motorized valves – to the basement’s hot water and heating system. This can be done quickly and is minimally invasively. PAUL uses artificial intelligence to regulate the temperature and volume flow and automatically ensures continuous adaptive hydronic balancing.

PAUL digitally performs the hydraulic balancing prescribed in the Medium-Term Energy Security Measures Ordinance (EnSimiMaV). PAUL curbs ancillary costs and helps to maintain affordable rents.

Of particular interest to the housing industry is that no initial investment costs are required to use PAUL. If the energy-saving effect of hot water heating and heating output are taken together in proportion to their share of total demand, this results in energy savings of at least 15% for the entire building.

Meet us at booth C2.210 to talk about current topics in the real estate industry and how PAUL helps increase the energy efficiency of existing buildings, advance the heat transition and improve your ESG rating.

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