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News 09.07.2024

En­er­gy tran­si­ti­on: PAUL Tech in “fo­rum Nach­hal­tig Wirt­schaf­ten”

Jasmin Eckert

An article by PAUL Tech CEO Sascha Müller was recently published in the decision-maker magazine forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften (03/2024) describing the “transition in the energy transition”.

In it, he explains PAUL Tech’s innovative complete solution, which aims to reduce energy costs in existing properties – quickly, easily and without investment costs. When asked why the heating transition is only getting off to a slow start, his answer is: 

“The hea­ting tran­si­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny is hap­pe­ning too slow­ly and the­re is a real risk that it will not be achie­ved wi­t­hout dis­rup­ti­ve mea­su­res. The­re is enor­mous un­tap­ped po­ten­ti­al for CO₂ sa­vings in exis­ting buil­dings. PAUL Tech of­fers a so­lu­ti­on to this pro­blem that can be im­ple­men­ted im­me­dia­te­ly. De­spi­te the lar­ge mar­ket, the­re are many pro­vi­ders who do not of­fer a com­pre­hen­si­ve all-in-one so­lu­ti­on. As a re­sult, they lea­ve their custo­mers on their own and do not con­tri­bu­te ef­fec­tively and quick­ly to the ur­gent­ly nee­ded heat tran­si­ti­on.”

Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG

The challenge of digital transformation

In the age of digital transformation, organizations face the challenge of managing and optimizing their buildings more efficiently. Implementing IoT technologies to monitor and analyze energy consumption data in real time is crucial. PAUL Tech takes this one step further: its proprietary hardware not only analyzes energy data, but actively controls heating and water systems for more energy-efficient heating. This saves time, reduces costs and significantly increases efficiency. And all with the help of our own AI. 

A look into the future 

PAUL Tech offers property owners a holistic end-to-end package that optimizes energy consumption and reduces costs without the need for additional external service providers. At a time when efficiency and sustainability, but also cost-effectiveness, are becoming increasingly important, PAUL Tech ensures that companies have full control over their building infrastructures. 

Read the whole article here.

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