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News 22.07.2024

PAUL Tech in E&M Ma­ga­zi­ne: Sa­ving en­er­gy wi­t­hout up­front in­vest­ment

Jasmin Eckert

„Mit Software allein wird die Energiewende im Gebäudebestand nicht gelingen.“ Davon ist Sascha Müller, CEO der PAUL Tech AG überzeugt. „Man muss sich auch einmal die Finger schmutzig machen.“

PAUL Tech connects existing hardware with artificial intelligence (AI) to supply existing buildings with energy more efficiently. Without any upfront investment.

“The energy transition in existing buildings will not succeed with software alone.” Sascha Müller, CEO of PAUL Tech AG, is convinced of this. “You have to get your fingers dirty once in a while.” Sascha Müller is convinced that PAUL can be a game changer in the building sector.  Read the whole article here. 

„Mit Software allein wird die Energiewende im Gebäudebestand nicht gelingen.“ Davon ist Sascha Müller, CEO der PAUL Tech AG überzeugt. „Man muss sich auch einmal die Finger schmutzig machen.“

PAUL is growing continuously

PAUL Tech now has more than 170 employees, particularly in research and IT. The company will probably be able to double its turnover this year. After around 60 million euros last year, it is expecting more than 120 million.

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