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News 20.09.2023

PAUL Tech in Ber­lin: The Green Deal and the rea­li­ty of cli­ma­te-neu­tral buil­ding stock

Kristina Klehr

The EU has set itself the target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030.

Yesterday evening, our CEO and PAUL founder Sascha Müller was invited to Berlin to participate in a panel on “Berlin state politics in focus: Fit for 55? The Green Deal and the reality of climate-neutral building stock”.

The EU has set itself the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030.

The starting point for the analysis is the values from 1990. The “Fit for 55” initiative contains legal proposals to achieve this goal through climate and energy policy. The initiative is part of the plan to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. The building industry is responsible for a large proportion of CO2 emissions and faces the challenge of reducing buildings’ energy consumption.

PAUL digitalizes the heating network in the building and provides permanent automated hydraulic balancing, thus saving energy and CO2 and fulfilling the legal requirements of the GEG. PAUL offers the building industry and tenants a quick and low-cost solution and, with its technology, contributes to achieving the goals of the heat transition and thus counteracts climate change.

The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom hosted the event with the Liberale Immobilienrunde e.V. (LIR) and Berliner Morgenpost GmbH.


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