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Insights 13.04.2024

Cut­ting Costs, In­crea­sing Va­lue: The Agree­ment of Cli­ma­te Pro­tec­tion and Pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty Is Achiev­a­ble To­day

Kristina Klehr

How does the real estate industry achieve the goals of the heat transition? Most real estate companies are faced with expensive investments for energy renovation that cannot be implemented in the short term. If you think conventionally. PAUL Tech offers a solution to increase energy efficiency and focuses on the existing heating system.

Climate change is a reality, its impacts measurable. With the goals of the heat transition, the building industry has a clear mandate: greenhouse gases must be reduced by 55% by 2030. Buildings must be climate-neutral by 2045.

The challenges for the real estate industry are enormous. Time is short, and existing solutions are resource-intensive. The agreement of climate protection and profitability seems unachievable. At PAUL Tech, we show that it is possible. And today.

As an energy platform, our mission is to develop innovative technologies and solutions to minimize CO2 emissions from buildings while maximizing their value.

How do we do this? PAUL ensures an increase in energy efficiency with existing heating technology. The interplay of our self-manufactured IoT-enabled hardware and our specially developed artificial intelligence (AI) ensures that heating and hot water systems always operate in the optimal and highly efficient operating window. The heating network is continuously adjusted to the actual needs of the connected users. PAUL provides continuous adaptive hydraulic balancing, digitizes heat distribution in the building, and significantly reduces energy demand. Our control system, PAUL Performance, which ensures adaptive hydraulic balancing, is TÜV certified.

Cutting costs.

PAUL reduces energy consumption, heat demand, and emissions of your systems. And all without investment costs. A reduction in energy consumption of an average of 15% is guaranteed. In many cases, a reduction in heat demand of up to 40% is possible. The energy demand of your buildings is minimized to the optimum over 10 years. And our service is a maintenance service that can be allocated according to operating cost regulations. Furthermore, you simultaneously create an optimal preparation for climate-friendly heat, as PAUL Performance makes your buildings ‘heat pump ready.’

Increasing value.

The energy efficiency of buildings proves to be a decisive factor for their profitability. PAUL makes your buildings more energy-efficient and thus helps increase the value of your property by improving the building energy efficiency classes. With PAUL, for example, an old building classified as G or H (<200 kWh/m²a) can be promoted to class E – a quantum leap for the building stock. This prevents their devaluation to the extent of so-called Stranded Assets. In addition, cheaper follow-up financing is often possible.

By digitizing your building, you have cost transparency and can also meet future legal requirements. This provides a valuable contribution to your ESG report and a fast and cost-neutral solution for the heat transition. Slowing down ancillary costs provides your contribution to affordable housing.

And 2024? Existing buildings will be CO2-neutral!

PAUL, with its currently unique complete solution, is not only an already available answer to current challenges but also a measure with a future through forward-looking planning and continuous optimization. The control system PAUL Performance reduces energy demand so that heat pumps can be used. Through the additional installation of photovoltaic systems, the heat pumps can be operated with self-generated electricity. Result: Existing buildings can already be operated CO2-neutrally by 2024.


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