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News 05.07.2024

An­nu­al re­cep­ti­on of the Rhi­ne-Ne­ckar real es­ta­te net­work at PAUL Tech

Jasmin Eckert

Es war uns eine große Ehre und Freude, das Immobiliennetzwerk Rhein-Neckar des Vereins Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e. V. bei uns vor Ort in Mannheim begrüßen zu dürfen.

It was a pleasure to welcome the Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e. V. association to our premises in Mannheim on the occasion of their 9th annual reception July 4th. We were delighted to be an event partner and host.

Under the theme “Energy efficiency is the number one topic of the future”, the most important players in the commercial real estate industry from the region met to exchange ideas, make contacts and find out about sustainable solutions for the real estate industry. 

Innovation and artificial intelligence for real estate – Made in Mannheim

Christian Strunz, Head of Communications and Marketing Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e. V., welcomed the guests on behalf of the Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e. V., set the mood for a varied evening and called PAUL Tech: Innovation made in Mannheim! 

Keynote speech: Wasting energy intelligently

Prof. Timo Leukefeld, expert for networked energy self-sufficiency, encouraged people to think and rethink with his exciting keynote speech “Waste energy intelligently!” and emphasized how important the intrinsic enthusiasm of all players in the energy and real estate industry is in order to put ideas and new business models into practice. 

PAUL Tech guided tours for all attendees

During the guided tours by PAUL Tech experts Maiko Dufner, Ralf Lanzrath and Timo Jäger, the guests were also able to gain exclusive insights into PAUL Tech’s test and control station and thus discover live on site what Sascha Müller, CEO of PAUL Tech, emphasized in his welcoming speech: all disciplines are available in-house at all of the company’s locations. 

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