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News 27.06.2024

En­er­gy tran­si­ti­on: PAUL is de­fi­ni­te­ly “best prac­tice”

Kristina Klehr

PAUL ist Vorbild für eine erfolgreiche Energie- und Wärmewende und wurde als „Best Practice“ auf dem Energieforum der Landesenergieagentur Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH (LENA) präsentiert.

PAUL is a role model for a successful energy transition and was presented as best practice at the energy forum of Landesenergieagentur Sachsen-Anhalt GmbH (LENA).

Saxony-Anhalt’s real estate and energy industries are networking with the aim of exploiting synergies. Both sectors play a key role in the energy transition and climate protection. Marko Mühlstein, Managing Director of LENA, emphasizes that the heating transition is a “sleeping giant” that holds enormous potential.

Important synergies between the real estate and energy industries

LENA has once again proven that both sectors are on the right track. Successful heat and energy master plans, effective funding programs and innovative technologies such as PAUL are crucial. As Marko Mühlstein says: “We are all pulling in the same direction.”

Maiko Dufner from PAUL was invited to provide impetus at the Energy Forum and emphasized the important synergies between the real estate and energy industries and digitalization. “A big thank you to LENA for the organization and the platform for this valuable exchange,” said Duffner.

The goal: Useful solutions for the future

The ENERGIEFORUM Saxony-Anhalt has been offering an important dialog platform for stakeholders from society, companies, administration and politics for years. Together we are looking for sustainable, economic and socially useful solutions for the future.

In the picture from left to right: Maiko DufnerDr. Andrea Gauselmann from Kompetenzzentrum Energieeffizienz durch Digitalisierung (KEDi), Uwe Zischalke Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Energie, Klimaschutz & Umwelt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Marko Mühlstein GF LENA, Dirk Tempke MVV Energie AG, Anne Jakobs und Dipl.-Wirt.Ing.(FH) Dirk Trappe LENA.

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