Insights 18.04.2024
The Paris Climate Agreement: Turning Point for the Real Estate Industry
Kristina Klehr

The impacts of the Paris Climate Conference on the real estate industry in Germany are diverse.
The conference led to the Paris Agreement, a legally binding treaty signed by almost all countries in the world. The agreement calls on participating countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, regularly report on their progress, and agree on financial support for developing countries to assist them in adapting to climate change.
Before the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, there were a series of international efforts and historic conferences in the field of climate protection. A wonderful overview of previous climate negotiations up to 2023 can be found here: Interactive Timeline (European Parliament).
These conferences and efforts marked important milestones on the road to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference and demonstrated the increasing awareness and growing urgency to address climate change.
Impacts and Significance for the Real Estate Industry
The impacts of the Paris Climate Conference on the real estate industry in Germany are diverse. On one hand, the agreed-upon measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions lead to an increased focus on energy efficiency and sustainability in the planning, construction, renovation, and operation of buildings. This means that real estate companies must increasingly transition to green technologies to meet the new standards and fulfill the requirements for environmentally friendly buildings.
On the other hand, stricter regulations and requirements for energy efficiency can affect existing property values, especially if older buildings do not meet the new standards and are therefore less attractive or profitable. This leads to increased demand for renovation and refurbishment projects to bring existing properties up to date.
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Sascha Müller, CEO PAUL Tech AG
We aim to transforming the real estate market to achieve carbon neutrality well before 2045.
In the coming years, heat supply must be fundamentally converted to climate-neutral energy sources and efficiency improvements must be made to existing heating technology. 1/3 of existing buildings have an energy efficiency class worse than D and are thus major CO2 emitters. This is where our PAUL Performance technology comes in.